Thursday, April 26, 2012

Surgery Day 4 - Quieter Day

As most of our patients have gone home, are recovering from surgery or getting ready to go in tomorrow, the shelter is much quieter than days past.  So far, about 160 kids have been operated on which is truly awesome.  Everyone seems well.  We had a chance to get over the the hospital to see some of the kids we have been with all week and they were happy to see us.  I also was able to visit with the 17 year old girl with a bilateral lip.  She looks great but must be very sore.  They worked hard on her lip as she is older and wanted to be sure her nose and everything is right.  She may not come back again as she lives in one of the tribal areas of Panama.  I hope this changes a few things for her.
Pasquel and Terragon keep logistics straight at the shelter - they loved the hats the Ruddy's donated from the Va Port and I was glad we had a couple left to give them!

Will was asked to give presentations at one more school today, the Lions International School.  He presented to 3rd and 4th graders and they said they want to start a club.  This is great news as the high school is now starting one close by, due to presentations yesterday by our students, and they can work together to be part of the mission next year.

You know Will loves a theme!  We have been faced at every corner with the happy nature of the Panama people.  They all seem to love each other.  The country only has 3 million people in it and the networking within it is very tight.  So, we now prepare for the Final Party tomorrow night and we will have a Carnival theme.  New to us, but we will compete in spirit.  The shelter volunteers (us in Blue) vs. the hospital volunteers (yellow).  We have each chosen a queen.  Ours in Chela, the coordinator of what goes on inside the shelter.  The hospital's is an anesthesiologist.  Last night we had opening ceremonies and it consisted of very loud music, chanting and the presenting of the two queens.  Today we worked on how we will bring Chela into the ceremony and the chants, songs, and dance we will perform.  The patients and their parents seem to get a kick out of this fanfare.  Funny stuff, but right up our ally.  May even have to introduce it at the family christmas trip!  Will HAD to be sure he fit the part so with items we picked up on the street today, he is ready.  Good times.  Off to dinner now.  Adios!

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